Ogliari goes back to pleasing both young and old
The plastic exhibits of the Ogliari Museum can already be visited. The Ogliari is the largest transport museum in Italy, and has given the go-ahead to bringing the collection to Volandia
It has taken one month of work to disassemble, and reassemble, but today, these truly extraordinary exhibits will give pleasure to both young and old. Toy trains of every kind, funfairs, planes, and much, much more. Francesco Ogliari dedicated his life to transport, and his museum in Ranco was famous throughout the world. Now, part of his great collection has gone on display at Volandia.
Together with Giovanni Cordara, Jerry Giordano worked on moving the plastic exhibits from the Ogliari Museum. “It was a delicate job, because we had to replan the exhibits, catalogue everything, divide them into sections, then disassemble them, piece by piece, move them, and here, redo all of the lighting systems. There are thousands of pieces, and the precision with which they were made over 40 years ago, is striking. We found little models even behind the mountains in areas that the public don’t even see. It was made with great passion.”
There was also great satisfaction for Marco Reguzzoni, the Chairman of the Volandia Foundation, and for Gunnar Vicenzi, the President of Varese Province. “It’s a great cultural operation, and an occasion for the province.”
Thus, the museum of flight has received another exhibit of excellence, and more significant items from the Ogliari Museum will soon be coming. The warehouses are already full with the more than 24,000 pieces that make up this unusual and extraordinary collection.
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