The nearest open chemist’s? You can find it with an “app”

Federfarma Lombardia have developed an application that, thanks to geolocation, enables users to obtain some information about the nearest open services. At the moment, the iOS version is available.

Generico 2018

The open chemist’s? The “app” shows it to you.

Federfarma Lombardia, in collaboration with T4Project, have developed “Farmacia Aperta” (Open Chemist’s). This app enables users to geolocate themselves in order to quickly find the nearest open chemist’s, providing detailed information about the working hours, shifts, and the shortest way to reach it.

For each chemist’s detailed data are given (company name, address, telephone and e-mail), timetables and shifts, as well as the time windows that are different from the current one; the chemists’ closed at a given time are shown marked in a different color.

The “Farmacia Aperta” app is currently only available for iOS (iPhone) systems; the Android version will be released by April 2019.

In order to find the installation links, the updates released, the FAQs and the privacy policy, you can visit the website of Federfarma Lombardia ( or you can use the QR code, where indicated, on the notice boards placed outside the chemists’.

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