From San Siro to the old cemetery, to discover the beauties of Viggiù

The walk is scheduled for Friday, 1 November, departing from the little church of San Siro alla Baraggia, at 2 p.m. Participation is free.

Il cimitero Vecchio di Viggiù

We will be setting off from the little church of San Siro alla Baraggia, for the delightful old cemetery in Viggiù, passing Il Roncolino, to discover the beauties of the village of sculptors.

This is the charming walk organised by the Viggiù Council and the association Amici dei musei viggiutesi, for tomorrow, Friday 1 November.

For anyone who would like to join this venture, which is free, the meeting is at 2 p.m. in front of the church of San Siro alla Baraggia. In the company of the historian Beppe Galli, and of Anastasia Avveduto, the President of the association Amici dei musei viggiutesi, you will discover the history and details of places of great beauty, which are hidden to those who drive along the village streets.

We recommend you wear comfortable clothes and shoes, and come to the meeting place on foot.

For information write to: or visit the Facebook page Amici dei musei.

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