“The number of poor people is growing”; town council decides to donate an additional €15,000 to the parish youth clubs
After the initial allocation of €35,000, the network of parish youth clubs has asked for "an additional contribution, because of growing poverty and of the needs of young families"

The contribution made by Busto Arsizio town council to parish youth clubs to pay for activities, has reached €50,000. The usual support for the activities of summer centres, of €35,000 euros has now been increased, with an additional €15,000, following a decision by the town council.

At the beginning of November, the council allocated the necessary funds, which they have been providing for a long time. Then, however, at the end of the month, a letter arrived at the townhall, signed by Don Giovanni Patella, the Coordinator of “Pastorale Giovanile”, of the “San Luigi” club in the Parish of San Giovanni Battista, on behalf of all of the town’s parish clubs. In the letter, “a request was made for an additional contribution to support the parish clubs, because of growing poverty and of the needs of young families who make use of the proposed initiatives“, it says in the council’s deliberation.
The town council agreed to the request, “in view of the economic resources available to us“. Thus, the contribution for the current year has risen to €50,000, which will be distributed in the manner already indicated in the previous deliberation.
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