Learning how to manage anger: Children reading to children

Pietro (5) and Alessandra (9) enthusiastically read D'Allancé's illustrated story for the newsletter of the network of 44 libraries in the Valle dei Mulini

Generico 2018

“What could be nicer than stories in children’s books? Having them read by children themselves!”

Today, 16 April, the Valle dei Mulini library service has handed over the running of its newsletter for young readers to two children: Pietro, 5, and Alessandra, 9, from Cantello, who are reading aloud, and with great enthusiasm, “Che rabbia”, the illustrated book by Mireille D’Allancé that teaches children (and not only them) a good way to learn how to recognise and manage anger, one of the most difficult emotions. Especially at this time of being forced to stay locked up at home.

There are already a dozen “literary newsletters”, which have been posted by the Valle dei Mulini library service (of which 44 public libraries in Varese Province are a part) on its Facebook page and on its brand new YouTube channel.

This development in the use of social media involves librarians who want to maintain a more active contact with their readers, especially with the young ones, and continue together to cultivate a passion for reading, each from their own home.

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