Holidays in Italy, discovering its lakes: in Desenzano, a leading role played also by Varese
Our territory will be among the main attractions of the event, thanks to the Chamber of Commerce of Varese. For the first time, the lakes of Northern Italy are being presented as a single destination.
In this 2022, when the analysts have presented outdoor tourism and the atmosphere that the lakes create as the even more winning factor, thanks to the Chamber of Commerce in Varese and to its initiative #VareseDoYouLake, our territory and the operators who work in it will play the leading role in the Borsa dei Laghi.
Now in its 21st year, the workshop, which is scheduled to start tomorrow, Thursday 24th March, in Desenzano del Garda, includes a very important change. “All of the lakes in Northern Italy, together for the first time, will be presented as a single destination to the international market,” said Fabio Lunghi, the President of the Chamber of Commerce of Varese, as he described the contents of a day, whose organisers include the Chamber of Commerce, when there will be about eighty qualified buyers from all over the world, with operators from the United States, Australia, India, South Korea, the United Arab Emirates and many more countries.
“Our territory will experience a real improvement in quality,” said Lunghi, “and our ‘Terra dei Laghi’ (Lake District) can only benefit from this, in terms of impact on the market. On the international scene, thanks to the initiative launched by the Chambers of Commerce near the lakes of Northern Italy, if this destination is seen as unique, at a local level, the promotional work carried out by the individual territories will be even more enhanced. Thanks to #VareseDoYouLake, we’re ready to do our part, with increasing commitment.”
Moreover, the last few seasons highlighted the good response in terms of visitor numbers. Suffice it to say that overnight stays by Italians on Lake Maggiore increased, in 2021, by 2.7% over 2019. The overall increase in stays at accommodation facilities in this area also led to an increase in the average length of the stays, which rose to 3.4 days. Also the trend relating to the area of Lake Ceresio is positive, although with smaller, albeit promising numbers. Here, there have been 8802 tourists (+13.6% over the last year) and 26,460 overnight stays, with an increase of 27.1% over 2019. “These figures encourage us to further make the most of our area, with its lakes and all its operators,” said Lunghi. “During the international workshop in Desenzano del Garda, we’re going to be present with two of the projects that characterise the tourist promotional activities of the Chamber of Commerce.”
“The reference is to Varese Destination Wedding, which involves seventy operators, and to #VareseDoYouBike, which, this last weekend, saw the first course for mountain bike guides, who will provide a service of professional guidance to the tourists on two wheels along our routes.” The positive effects of the 2022 Borsa dei Laghi will not be limited to the feedback from the international workshop, on Thursday, 24 March; the following weekend, buyers from different parts of the world will be welcomed to our territory. For them, the Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the Varese Convention and Visitors Bureau, have created a different visit programmes, to give them personal experience of the “Terra dei Laghi”. Two tourist packages in particular will involve them: the first relates to weddings and events, with a visit to sites of interest and museums, the second to Active&Green, with e-bike routes and sailing boat tours on Lake Maggiore.
Translated by Castagna Alessia and Colnago Giada
Reviewed by prof. Rolf Cook
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