Gallo doesn’t let us down and gets the Italian title

Augusto Lari’s pupil completes the first defense of the Supergallo title by beating Piedmont’s Limone, at the points

iuliano gallo pugilato

Confirmation of the Italian tricolour for Iuliano Gallo: the boxer born in Calabria but raised with boxing gloves in Bizzozero, under the guidance of Augusto Lauri, successfully defended the belt of Italian champion of Supergallo Weights overcoming the challenger, Daniele Limone, at the limit of 10 rounds.

Intense and balanced match played in Alta Valle Intelvi: Gallo started well, making Limone sit, but then he had to fight intelligently against the Piedmont expert , increasing the number of punches at the right time. In the end, the Lauri Boxing Team’s champion has showed his best boxing, overtaking Limone points, author of a strong performance, even if challenged from the corner by the boxer of Varese for a few prohibited shots.

For Gallo it is therefore a confirmation: the 26-year-old boxer from Binago was crowned for the first time in April when he beat Parrinello, conquering a vacant belt. Now the first defence, which was a success, could also open up higher scenarios such as a match at the European level.

In the other matches of the meeting held in the mountainous village in the province of Como, the young Stefano Manfredi got the better of the veteran Christian Bozzoni from Varese, who was good at holding on until the end but failed in the points. The women’s “pro” match saw Silvia Bortot shining against the Slavic Aleksandra Vujovic.

The appointment in Lanzo d’Intelvi was completed by a series of meetings for amateurs with many athletes from Panthers Lauri between the ropes; a balance of a victory for the athletes in the province of Varese, two draws and two defeats.

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