The Ceresio lake attracts many tourists: ”2020 will be the turning point”

The authority of Ceresio, Piano and Ghirla lake basins is the protagonist at the fair in the exhibition centre in Lugano. Mastromarino: “There is a real return to the lake and we are working to promote it”.

Generico 2018

Smiles and a round of drinks for the ribbon cutting of the seventeenth edition of the fair ”I Viaggiatori” (the travellers) that started in Lugano.

The many operators of the sector coming from all over the world were protagonists. This is a close-up role for the Ceresio Lake and its districts that are represented by the lake basin authority.

The authority is participating with his own stand that is full of informative material and with a video that explains the entire beauty of the territory on the lake basin. From the very first hours in the morning, many professionals firstly, and then the tourists, stopped to obtain information on the proposals that the lake offers.

The chairman of the lake basin authority, Massimo Mastromarino, immediately after the inauguration started a meeting talking about the activities that are at the heart of his authority.

“It’s good for us to see that there is a real return to the lake,” began the chairman, “the feeling is that there is more and more interest and the tourists are coming back to live the lake, that is also getting better in the environmental dimensions. We are also working in this direction as a lake basin authority because water has no borders. In 2020 we will conduct a census of the bathing beaches of the Ceresio Lake to promote them all together. Next year, is the year of the turning point, the reinforcement of a policy of territorial marketing that aims of a massive action of supporting the tourism. We need to create a strong and coordinated system, giving to the territory a wide-ranging image and understand the needs of the tourists, in order to give them an answer in the services and in the itineraries. The tourism of the holiday homes to which the Ceresio Lake is strictly linked is not something to underrate, for this reason in these years they have re-gained importance and they have brought families back to the lake.

Marco Pion, who is the director of Promax, that organizes this event, is satisfied of how the fair started, added: ”our mission is to let the tourists dream of the fair without forgetting the people who live in the territory all year long. We are proud to promote the beautiful things that are close to us and the lake, that is an absolute protagonist.”

There was also the city mayor in Porto Ceresio Jenny Santi: ”I’m happy and satisfied with our stand because we need to be known as Ceresio Lake or Lugano. This moment has arrived because this area offers many opportunities for different passions.

Giovanni Bernasconi, the vice chairman of the lake basin authority and the city mayor in Claino con Osteno with responsibility for the tourism and the focus of his participation was this: “The objectives of our authority are those of letting, in the long-term, all the world know the lake. In the short-term the objective is to involve the people of our territory. In 2020 we are going to create our brand of the lake and to put it together with the one of Como. We want to create this synergy with the private professionals.

This morning, at the ribbon cutting ceremony in Lugano, in addition to the board of the Istitution, there were also the spokesperson of the Prefecture with responsibility for the Linking with the local Authorities and the electoral consultations, Michele Giacomino, the Consul General of Italy in Lugano, Mauro Massoni, the two Navigazione Lago vice-directors in Lugano, Carlo Acquistapace and Omar Terzi.

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