Ali Zeaiter new owner of Varese Calcio
Unveiled a few hours ahead of schedule the name of the purchaser is a 31-year-old Lebanese, with interests in construction, import-export and in the world of travel

Varese 1910 has a new owner: a few hours ahead of schedule, the company announced the name of the purchaser, Ali Zeaiter, born in Lebanon on 20th October, 1983.

“Zeaiter, who has acquired a 97% stake (the remaining 3% is owned by Nicola Laurenza), is an entrepreneur in construction, with an import / export of cars and trucks, and owner of Travel Agencies” says the official statement of the company. “His businesses have interests in various countries: Italy, England, Africa and the Emirates. Foreign partners from the UK and the Emirates will follow the project as sponsors.” The hypothesis of an owner from the Middle East (or expression of capital from that area) had been circulating for some time and the confirmation of a name from Lebanon had been anticipated in the previous hours.
“The new owner and the new organization chart,” says the official note, “will be presented to the press on Wednesday in a yet to be determined manner.” The outgoing president Laurenza will remain in the company, with stocks of around 3%.
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