Companies looking for specialists in digital communication: Digital Camp opening up in Varese

The project director, Marco Giovannelli: “There’ll be considerable integration between learning and work.” Enrolments must be made by the end of July.

Social media manager, web editor, employer branding specialist, online journalist, project manager of digital initiatives: these are just some of the job titles applicants will be able to train for at the Digital Camp, VareseNews’s initiative designed to build skills, to create new professionals in communication and information and, more generally, to promote and spread the digital culture in working environments.


“The primary aim of the project is to satisfy the growing demand for digital communicators on the part of businesses and organisations, and so, is aimed at young graduates, who also have work experience, who want to become digital specialists,” Marco Giovannelli, the director of VareseNews and of the Digital Camp, explained. “These new, ‘hybrid’ figures will form the bridge between a company’s organisation and the digital world, the tools of which they know and use. What is unique about this proposal is where these cross communicators will be placed: they’ll learn by doing, because they’ll be immediately integrated into the editorial office of VareseNews and, subsequently, into companies where they’ll do their internships. In short, their learning and working will be greatly integrated.”

Characteristics of the project are:
– The integration with VareseNews, one of the first, exclusively online newspapers in Italy
– Access to Glocal, the festival of journalism and digital communication, which is held every year in Varese
– The strong relationship with the local territory, its companies (local and international), associations and agencies, which are the natural source of customers for digital work
– The collaboration with the professional technology centre run by the colleges ITE “Enrico Tosi” in Busto Arsizio, and the emerging ITS Foundation.

More specifically, the training will have an intensive cycle, organised into weekly modules, which lasts three months, and will include a part of class work, a series of laboratories (on the VareseNews premises, in Gazzada Schianno) and a part of introduction into the company.

The classroom training will be given by experts and professionals in digital communication, information and journalism, excellent witnesses, representatives of the sector and journalist, of the VareseNews editorial office. The laboratories will help to apply the knowledge acquired and to develop individual and team planning skills.

The final part of introduction and support in the company will last one month, with the completion of a communication project. The topics taught include news-making and storytelling, engagement, communication and journalism, e-commerce and digital project management.

The Digital Camp organising team is led by Giuseppe Geneletti (senior advisor), David Mammano (project manager), and Tomaso Bassani (tutor). In 2016, “year zero”, the Camp will start in September, with 10/12 attendees selected by a committee containing also the representatives of the sponsors, on the basis of how well the applicants satisfy the admission requirements and of the results of the selection test, which will confirm they have an adequate level of knowledge (written and verbal communication, motivation to participate actively and profitably, attitude to team work, passion for digital communication, basic knowledge of English).

Applications for the Digital Camp can be made on the website

The Digital Camp is organised in collaboration with the Union of Industrialists of Varese Province (UNIVA), Confartigianato Varese, Elmec, Eolo, Tigros, Studio Volpi and Hagam Comunicazione.

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Pubblicato il 08 Luglio 2016
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