Nepal, the school dedicated to Paolo Rindi is ready

The first children are expected in the coming days. The building, built in a few weeks according to anti-seismic regulations, was made possible thanks to the funds raised in the name of the young man who died in Val Grande.

Paolo Rindi disperso in Valgrande

On November 19th, Saturday, at the Institute De Filippi, the association Eco Himal will hold an evening to give an update on the reconstruction of Bakhrey School. It is a building constructed in an eastern valley of Nepal and it will bear the name of Paolo Rindi.  In fact, the works financed by the parents of the young man from Varese, who tragically died during a hike in Val Grande last February, are being finalised. Fiammetta and Dario had decided to allocate the 11,000 €, collected from friends and acquaintances, to the realisation of one of the many schools that collapsed during the terrible earthquake of spring 2015, in Nepal.  The school was built in Solukhumbu Valley and will host the students of this rural area at 3,000 meters above the sea level, which is inhabited by farmers and Sherpas, on the way to the Everest.  More than 7,000 schools collapsed during the earthquake in 2015. These were simple buildings made of stone, which are now being rebuilt according to particular anti-seismic indications.  “These are very simple but effective rules,” says Maria Antonia Sironi, president of Eco Himal in Varese. “First of all, buildings must be one floor only. Then they must have wooden beams in order to absorb vibrations, and finally they must be built on firm foundation.” Each reconstruction costs about 10,000 € to which the cost of furniture is added.  The school built in memory of Paolo has walls and roof already. It consists of two structures made of three classrooms each: the part that is going to house the elementary school will be dedicated to the young man from Varese. Overall, approximately 60 students will be able to attend once again school in the next few days already. In Nepal, schools serve the inhabitants of vast zones: sometimes the students take even an hour and a half to reach their classroom.  The works, begun right before summer after the end of the quick bureaucratic process activated by the decision of Paolo’s parents, are now completed. The evening of the 19th will be a moment to make a point of the rebuilding. Actually, Ngima Sherpa, who is now in Nepal to control the phases and is arriving in Italy on November 17th, is going to participate. He is going to cook a Nepalese dinner, supported by his family and the students of the De Filippi Institute. Moreover, the famous mountaineer Kurt Diemberger, honorary president of Eco Himal, is also going to participate. “During the evening, we’ll talk about earthquakes and the activities in which Eco Himal is involved. A special attention will be dedicated to this school in Solukhumbu, built because of the will of Paolo Rindi’s parents. The sum that will be raised during the dinner is going to be used to make the classrooms more welcoming and to buy chairs, desks and teaching material. Students are beginning to attend this school and we would like to make it cosier and more beautiful,” says the president of Eco Himal ‘Tona’. Fiammetta and Dario, Paolo’s parents, will be present too; Fiammetta has commented: “This will be a very important moment. We’re happy that this project has succeeded in the name of Paolo.”    The reservations will be collected directly by De Filippi Institute. Telephone number 0332 238004 Email:


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