Bebe Vio in Tradate: “Dreams become goals”
Nearly one thousand people came to the library to see the athlete who won in the Rio Olympics.

“Dreams can’t be left, you must believe, and they must become your goals.”
Nearly one thousand people welcomed the Paralympic champion, Bebe Vio, to the Frera Library in Tradate, as part of the “Tradate è cultura” (Tradate is culture) Festival organised by the town’s Roundtable of Culture, with the support of The Boga Foundation. It was a sell-out for the meeting with the 20-year-old, who has conquered Italy with her lovely personality, who faces life with infectious enthusiasm.
Accompanied by her parents, Bebe led the meeting “Mi hanno regalato un sogno” (“They gave me a dream” – which is also the title of her book), as she spoke about her experience, as a child, when her arms and legs had to be amputated. With irony and fun, she described her new artificial limbs, on which she can even move the individual fingers and toes, “and they’re already broken, because I destroy everything; I’m also known for that,” she told the numerous children present. After being introduced by the journalist Alessandro Colombo, Bebe answered the many questions from Claudio Arrigoni, a journalist with the Gazzetta dello Sport, and from her young fans, who she wanted to give priority to.
“It’s not enough to have a dream and to forget about it, you have to do everything to make it come true,” Bebe said. “You have to work to make a dream your goal. When you can say, ‘I’ve done it,’ it’ll be the best thing in the world. There’s no limit to your dreams; when you make one come true, you create others, and then others. Because, when your dream comes true, it’s the best thing in life, irrespective of what happened to you in the past.”
“If something nasty happens to you, you can keep saying everything’s impossible your whole life. When someone says you won’t be able to do something, first, you should get angry, and then do your utmost to achieve it. Everything for me, now, is a contest, I want to win, and to do so, I have to train. I hope you all experience the best moments in your lives through your dreams.”
Before getting to the library, Bebe was also welcomed by the Mayor of Tradate, Laura Cavalotti, who, together with the Boga family, got her to sign the town’s Book of Honour, and gave her a plaque dedicated to the association art4sport, which was founded by Bebe and her parents to collect funds for young amputees.
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