Varese Liberty tour returns, and it opens to artist
Starting Sunday 19th March 2017 the "Liberty Tour", the bus tour organised by Morandi Tour to present the "floral style" of Varese. Special contest for painters and photographers.

Starting Sunday 19th March 2017 the “Liberty Tour”, the bus tour organised by Morandi Tour to present the “floral style” of Varese.

The first bus of the season will start at 15:00 from the FFSS railway station of Varese, with “boarding and alighting” stops in Piazza Monte Grappa, Estensi Gardens, Villa Recalcati, Hotel Palace, Funicoloare, and the Poretti Brewery. The tour will return to the Ferrovie dello Stato train station.
On this occasion Morandi Tour is promoting an parallel initiative to add value to the artistic talents of our territory. Painters and photographers, professional and amateur, are invited to submit images related to tourism trips organised by the travel agency with art city destinations or locations of particular events.
The works submitted by participants in the trips will be screened by a Committee formed ad hoc by experts and local personalities, their choices will be exhibited in the offices of Varese and Lugano of Morandi Tour. The participation is free.
The request can be made at the premises of Varese and Lugano of Morandi Tour (Via Dandolo 1-Varese and Corso Elvezia 10, Lugano). For information: 0332-287146 / 349-2363045.
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