A blanket for the homeless: the Don Bosco young students are the ones doing it
It has been made these days with their mothers’ and grandmothers’ help, and with Varese In… Maglia’s support. Its delivery is on Thursday at 11 at the seat of Angeli Urbani.

The “S.G. Bosco” primary school will be on Thursday, 13th of December, at 11.00, at the seat of Angeli Urbani, with a group of students, for the official delivery of a blanket, which was crochet-made by children, thanks to their willing mothers’ and grandmothers’ help, who involved the “Varese In… Maglia” association.

It was an occasion to discover and experience, the value of gifts, gratuitousness and sharing, especially to the most outcast and the weakest sections of society, thanks to personal effort.
The “Varese In Maglia” association gladly welcomed the invitation from the children of the school, sharing their same principle and so making themselves available for this important social initiative: at the “delivery ceremony” there will be Educational Services assessor Rossella Di Maggio, who accepted the invitation with great enthusiasm.
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