International audience at the JRC in Ispra for TEDxVareseSalon
The international, TED-style conference, which took place on Friday, 15 February, was on the topic of "Science to design the world".

There was a large audience at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre in Ispra, for the TEDxVareseSalon, the international, TED-style conference, which took place on Friday, February 15, and was on the topic of “Science to design the world“, with six speakers from research centres and scientific institutions all over Europe.

The event was attended by an international audience of 450 people (from Varese Province and Italy, and from other countries in the European Union, in Asia and in South America), who filled the auditorium of the European Commission’s research centre and the rooms provided for the live streaming of the speakers’ talks. The audience also included Maive Rute, the Deputy Director General of the Joint Research Centre, and Elke Anklam and Krzysztof Maruszewski, directors at the JRC in Ispra.
The conference was streamed live, and watched by thousands of people. The official hashtag of the event was one of the trending topics on the Italian Twitter throughout the evening. There were hundreds of people on the waiting lists to participate in the event.
After the conference talks, the participants were able to visit seven laboratories in the Joint Research Centre, in an interactive night-time experience led by researchers and managers at the centre, to discover the European Solar Test Installation, a reference laboratory in Europe for the verification of the production of energy from photovoltaic panels; the European Laboratory for Structural Assessment, where European researchers test the resistance of entire buildings to earthquakes and explosions; the Nuclear Safeguards and Security Laboratory, where scientists develop and test the safe running of nuclear power plants; the laboratories for water quality, which are equipped to detect the presence of pollutants and chemicals in water samples; the European Interoperability Centres for Electric Vehicles and Smart Grids, the laboratories dedicated to electric vehicles and to measuring the electromagnetic emissions generated by electric and hybrid cars and their wireless communication with smart power grids; and the European Union Reference Laboratory for Alternatives to Animal Testing, where scientists from the Joint Research Centre test and validate scientific methods to replace animal testing.
During the evening, the date of the third TEDxVarese was also announced; it will take place on Sunday, 9 June, in the “Ville Ponti” Conference Centre, in Varese. The event organising team also announced the Innovation Garden, the event on innovation in the town of Varese, which will take place in Palazzo Estense and the Teatrino Santuccio, on 7 and 8 June.
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