Campi Estivi 2020
Italian US Camp, una settimana di basket 100% in inglese
Un’immersione totale, sportiva e linguistica, per progredire a livello tecnico e scoprire la cultura americana. Iscrizioni aperte fino ad esaurimento posti
1Un’immersione totale, sportiva e linguistica, per progredire a livello tecnico e scoprire la cultura americana. Iscrizioni aperte fino ad esaurimento posti
Dal 10 giugno il Campus Estivo di Cardano al Campo “Il Piccolo Charlie” torna con tante novità. Iscrizioni aperte
A giugno 2019 ripartono i campi estivi in lingua inglese del British College dedicati ai ragazzi dai 5 agli 11 anni
Refugees given accommodation in the town will be keeping Piazza Carù and Piazza Morosi tidy, assisted by Exodus workers.
This is an idea of an entrepreneur from Luino. “This way, you can take home a souvenir from Verbano.” The product will be presented at Villa della Porta Bozzolo, during the “Days of the Camelia”.
This is what President of Lombardy Region, Roberto Maroni, promised at the end of the closed meeting held in the office of the “Campo dei Fiori” Park.
The Atlas of Paths has been presented, and will provide a great opportunity for Italian tourism. It will also be discussed on Saturday, 18 November, at Glocalnews, during the festival’s final meeting.
The council approved a scheme of resolution, Chinese companies are coming but there is also the progression of the cycle lane train stations-lake project
Monday morning the general meeting of the employees took place. The topic: “Serious debt situation.” Yet, before the summer there were still orders.
From dawn to sunset, Alberto Gaggioni, 57, the symbol of the volunteer forest firefighters, coordinated his men from within the “Campo dei Fiori” Park.
The mural was produced by students at the Vittorio Sereni Middle School, in Germignaga, under the artistic direction of their teacher, Eleonora Gritti
Today, the owners of millions of iPhones and iPads will be asked to update iOS with a touch of a finger
Aumenta il numero dei Mediatori Linguistici che conseguono la Laurea all’Istituto Universitario di Varese
Le notizie più importanti della provincia saranno tradotte, ogni giorno, dalla Scuola Superiore per Mediatori Linguistici: un nuovo canale per raccontare Varese nel mondo
Alberto Sironi, the director, from Gallarate, of the television series broadcast on RAI 1, comments on the excellent results obtained, with more than 8 million viewers. In February he will be filming new episodes of the character created by Camilleri
Large crowd attend the opening of the temple to technology, a cult brand that seeks to revolutionize the “point of sale” concept
Il presidente della provincia risponde alla madre che con la figlia disabile in carrozzina non ha potuto accedere all’area giochi appena rinnovata
Ultimi commenti
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